Saturday, March 15, 2008

Free Music for Everyone!

I have been using my laptop more lately than in the past. I am in a situation where mobility is essential to my business. To free up hard drive space on my small but powerful Powerbook G4, I had to clear out my iTunes which I love. I had been listening to my iPod that is synced up to our iMac. But I don't always have the iPod with me. The point that I'm trying to make with all of this is that I want to tell you about the Music Genome Project that powers the best internet radio station -

Pandora learns what kind of music that you like from your feedback and customizes your radio station, in fact you can have multiple stations customized to what you like. Just in case you're in the mood for a little Meatloaf or Air Supply. Pandora will find music that has the similar sound and feel to the musicians that you like. I highly recommend that you give them a try and listen to all the music that you want for free!


Megan said...

Thanks for the recommendation! Pandora is one of my new favorite things. Personalized radio=Brilliant! Love ya.

wilson said...

Thanks for listening to Pandora, Curtis! Glad we could help you out with your hard drive / music issue.

- Lucia, from Pandora

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