Monday, October 27, 2008

Voter's Delight

If you know me then you know that I have never really been into politics or the political scene.  Needless to say, this really isn't going to be a political rant as much as it's going to just be a collage of some of my thoughts as of late.

I definitely think that it is time for change.  If you've been living in a cave on a desert island then there's probably not much that you can do to help the economy.  As for the rest of us, we need to do our part to help the economy.  That is why I've listed a few things below that we can all do to help the economy out of this recession.

Spend more money!!  Let's do it together!  Okay, let's say that the government gave you some money and told you to spend it on something... ("Wait a minute!" This sounds strangely familiar...)  Moving on...

Salary Caps!  No, no.  Not for you.  First it was professional sports then it was CEO's of mortgage companies and the like.  Upper management should earn an annual salary of the "prime rate" plus a fixed APR of 6.49% with a minimum finance charge of $1.50 and a Grace Period of at least 20 - 60 Days.  (Somewhere in that ballpark range.)  Come on! Seriously!  Oh, and let the government control the mortgages of the American people.  Yeah! That may not be a good idea.  "Bailout" nothing!

Okay, I have to confess.  I never really took the time to read up carefully on the gubmint's "bailout" plan.  Current events are not my strong point.  Come to think of it... neither is American History.  That just leaves the future.  Okay, I'm an expert on the ~Future~ {AKA: Science Fiction}.

For the record, at this time, I am not officially affiliated with any political party.  Libertarians are coming close.  I was reading up on the candidates for the Governor of Utah and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a non-politician running for political office.  I think that he is the only individual in history that has ran for political office that actually has a "Nickname" in "quotes".  I haven't voted yet but it's probably written that way on the ballot also.  Remember the old addage, "Stick with what you know." Or at least, "Stick with people that know what's going on." As in the case of Govenor Schwarzennager (Arnie! For those of you that know him personally.  Which I don't.)

I am an artist and graphic designer.  Therefore, the politicians that have the coolest yard signs might win my vote.  That is what appeals to me; not their "platforms".  Another passion of mine is food!  I like to try to think about if the politicians running for office were flavors of ice cream; What flavors would they be?  I would definitely vote for Napoleon or Rocky Road!  If I owned an ice cream shoppe then I would mix the two together to create a special dish and call it the Voter's Delight.

Whoever you decide to vote for, make it count!  Because that is what a democracy is all about!

What flavor of ice cream are you?

**DISCLAIMER:  As I previously stated, current events are not my strong point.  If I happen to get my facts mixed up then please correct me but do so without the "Smarter than you" or "I told you so" Attitude.  I would really appreciate that.  Thanks.


Megan said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! What a great post! Glad you're back. As far as an ice cream flavor goes, I'm pretty sure I would be Goo Goo Cluster. Delicious on so many levels and full of oooey gooey goodness.

ali.j said...

I would definately create an "Arnie Banarnie Split" flavor in honor of your favorite gouvinatorial candidate. Also, thanks for your tips on the economy. It changed my life.