Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's that time again...

It's actually past that time to update all those fabulous Dear Diary fans as to what has been happening recently. Dear Diary is smack dab in the middle of the heat in the Utah summer weather. (Don't ask me what that means.)

The Water Allocation Project: Part I

This is a project that took place a few months ago but I am just getting around to posting the events surrounding this project on Dear Diary. A couple of years ago, something happened...

Details are not important and, in fact, irrelevant, but as a result of what happened a couple of years ago, it was up to me to finally getting around to replacing our yard hydrant in our garden area. To replace the yard hydrant took a lot of digging and more digging. I was getting pretty deep when it sort of felt like I could almost feel Australia. Have a looksie at the pics provided to get a better idea of what in the world I'm talking about.

The project ended well after I apologized for breaking through the floor of an Australian family's home. They were shocked to say the least and assumed that a zombie invasion was close at hand. I explained the best I could as to what was happening and apologized several more times before descending back into my hole. Then I performed some plumbing magic and replaced the bent yard hydrant.


After that marvelous experience, I became quite the fan of digging! A passion that I share with a really good friend of mine named Toad. Here are some pics of how passionate Toad is of digging. These images were taken while Toad was on a diplomatic peace-keeping mission to Desert Land.


ali.j said...

Well, I nominate you as the new amabassador to Australia. Not everyone could come up through someone's floor and leave having made new friends.

Unknown said...


True, true... but it did take a lot of convincing.