Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mastering the Internet in 1997

Dear Diary,

Today was a particularly exciting day. I just got my "Mastering the Internet" videos in the mail. Now I will know what the heck I'm doing. I am especially excited to Chat with Men...

...about Football!

Also, there's nothing that I enjoy more than having the internet work for me.

Computer Illiterate

The World Wide Web or "Internet" has been around for a little while now. Below are just a few examples of what you can use the "Internet" for.
  • Sports Scores
  • Chatting with Women
  • Doing your Taxes
  • Football Scores
  • Chatting with Men about Football
  • Egyptian Literature
  • Sending electronic M
Okay. I admit that I feel like I have mastered the Internet. Well almost. Watch the following video and tell me if you can do any of this stuff.

    Mastering the Internet: Part II
    "Don't work for the Internet. Let the Internet work for you"

    (Is anyone else thinking about Kip from Napoleon Dynamite?)

    1 comment:

    Megan said...

    I'm pretty sure that is Kip's twin brother that he was separated from at birth! Finally, they can be reunited!